In today’s fast-paced world of just-in-time manufacturing, A legacy ERP system just isn’t going to cut it. Business leaders need access to real-time data across all operational areas to make informed and timely decisions. Acumatica’s Cloud ERP Manufacturing Edition is a complete business management system providing the end-to-end data needed to keep your business running efficiently.

Big Data Management

Access the data you need when you need it. Acumatica provides real-time coordination of all business activities, including high-level visibility of company-wide operations, production planning, shop floor management, customer management, and everything in-between. 


Big data doesn’t have to also mean a big learning curve.  No matter how cutting-edge your ERP is, if your employees struggle with onboarding, it’s a non-starter. The likelihood of incomplete data will increase, and overall productivity can suffer.


Acumatica’s drag and drop customization ensures ease of use, allowing each user to customize their dashboard to suit their needs and access real-time data on both desktop and mobile devices. 


Robust data collection and reporting functions enable easy ROI calculations. Designed to reflect how you do business, it allows you to analyze and compile data from numerous sources into comprehensive reports that you customize:

  • Create reporting templates and schedules that suit your needs
  • Filters and sub-accounts provide the exact data needed
  • Enable role-based reporting and format views according to users

Bill of Material Dashboard


The multifunctional Bill of Material (BOM) dashboard is the cornerstone of Acumatica’s Manufacturing Edition, allowing seamless conversion of sales orders into production orders, eliminating the chance of errors. 

Materials required for each job are defined in the production order, which can also be used to create a purchase order if inventory is low.  The multi-level BOM structure allows you to see both financial and engineering data at once.


Barcoding enables production management. To keep the process flowing smoothly and efficiently, shop floor data collection and tracking are a must. In Acumatica, production tickets produce barcodes that track transactions in real-time via mobile device scans.

    • Move scans monitor the job flow throughout the production process
    • Material scans monitor the materials used per job and adjust overall inventory in real-time
  • Labor scans monitor clock in and clock out activity of shop employees to show both labor cost per job and overall availability of labor

Warehouse Management

An end-to-end view of the production lifecycle allows you to control the process and optimize performance. Schedule shop floor production while tracking planned vs. actual material and labor costs.


Acumatica’s Advanced Planning and Scheduling module allows you to maximize production efficiency and set accurate delivery dates based on shop floor schedule and work center capacity. This module also enables what-if scenarios, machine scheduling, and tool scheduling.

Your Acumatica Partner

At Innovative Cloud Solutions, we’ve been specializing in pairing our clients with the exact right tool for their specific needs for more than 30 years. We’ll provide the guidance and resources you need for planning, implementing, and customizing your ERP. Once you’re up and running, we remain available as needed to keep your operations moving smoothly.

Ready for a Deeper Dive into the Acumatica Manufacturing Edition?


If you’re interested in learning more about the functionality of this unique ERP, we invite you to view our On-Demand Video demonstration, “Gain a Better Manufacturing Flow with Purchase Orders and Production Orders with Acumatica’s ERP Software”..