With the introduction of GP2015R2, Dynamics GP included the All-in-One Document View. In its initial offering, this feature worked with the Purchasing Module. It has now been expanded to work with Sales and Inventory in GP2016. These windows allow you to quickly view related documents by vendor, customer, or item.

As Well, these new windows are accessed from Maintenance windows (eg. Vendor/Customer/Item Maintenance), Inquiry or Navigation Lists. The window will appear very similar across the 3 different modules. We will use examples from the Sales All-in-One View.

Where do I Start?

First, you will be required to first enter or search a master record.  After, the window will automatically display the standard view of all transactions.  You may then select a single record from any of the columns below, which will filter only documents related to the record selected.  For example, when a sales invoice is selected you may see the order that it originated from and/or the customer’s payment. Alternatively, you may also see a quote, return, or credit. Only the documents that are related to the document selected will display.


There are various hyperlinks (blue underline) on the window that will open the Transaction Inquiry Zoom of the record you have selected. Additionally, you can use the show details expansion arrow within the window to view more detailed information regarding the document.

In addition, each column will only display the last 5 transactions by document date (newest to oldest).  You can use the “previous five/next five” buttons at the bottom of each column to show additional documents.  Moreover, you can use the filter button at the top of the column to add filters and search criteria. Each column will have different options. For example, you may wish to search a specific Invoice, if known.

As a bonus, you may wish to customize the columns/document types that appear within the window.  Note: the view is saved on a per-user basis.  This will help you efficiently see only the transactions your company is entering in Dynamics GP.

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Microsoft Dynamics GP Capabilities